Oklahoma City wants to steal New York’s thunder with new tallest skyscraper in US


The tallest building in the U.S. could be built in … Oklahoma City? OK.

California developer Scot Matteson announced plans last month to expand a planned Boardwalk At Bricktown development by adding a 134-story tower standing at 1,750 feet. That would have put the tower slightly shorter than the 1,776-foot-tall Freedom Tower at One World Trade Center in New York City.

But now Matteson has set his sights even higher. His investment and development company last week announced plans to increase the height for the Legends Tower to 1,907 feet tall – a symbolic figure in that Oklahoma became a state in 1907.

If the plan succeeds, the Legends Tower would be the tallest building in the U.S. and the fifth tallest in the world, the developers say. The tallest is the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, which is 2,716 feet tall.

The new tower also would be more than twice as tall as Oklahoma City’s current largest building, the 50-story Devon Energy Center. Finished in 2012, it’s also the tallest building in the state.

Developer says building would be ‘an iconic destination’Pointing to a period of growth, Matteson said in a statement that Oklahoma City is “well-positioned to support large-scale projects like the one envisioned for Bricktown.”

“We believe that this development will be an iconic destination for the city, further driving the expansion and diversification of the growing economy, drawing in investment, new businesses, and jobs,” he said. “It’s a dynamic environment and we hope to see The Boardwalk at Bricktown stand as the pride of Oklahoma City.” Spurce: USA Today


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