3 Rising Economic Cities in Cambodia


The continuous growing economy of Cambodia makes Cambodia one of the countries where entrepreneurs or foreign investors interested in expanding the business there. This is because of the labor wages that are not very high, friendly culture & environment and rich natural resources.

Moreover, the government policies and economic measures are also attractive for foreign investors. Those make an entrepreneur and investors see high opportunities for trading and investment.

Today we will take you to know 3 rising economic cities of the Kingdom of Cambodia that will be an opportunity for Thai entrepreneurs who are planning to do business and looking for new investments right now in order to make decisions in making expand business in the future.

1. Phnom Penh

The capital and largest city of Cambodia. It is a growth center for business, industry, politics, education, economy, cultural heritage, and diplomacy of the country It is located in the central south of the country at the confluence of the Basak River. The Tonle Sap River and the Mekong River, these three rivers, are important sources of fresh water and ecosystems for the city.

Phnom Penh has a special economic zone or Phnom Penh Special Economic Zone (PPSEZ) located in Kandal Province in southern Cambodia. It is a project developed by the Japan Cambodia Development Corporation with the aim of attracting foreign investors to establish production bases in the labor industry.

2. Sihanoukville

The city is the center of transportation in the southern part of the country. It is home to a deep seaport for large ocean liners, used for importing and exporting goods. It’s connected to the railway station and on the main road, 25 km from the international airport. Sihanoukville has outstanding tourism significance, has a beautiful beach. It is a source of oil and natural gas.

Because there are many industrial estates, there is also an international airport. It handles more than 600,000 passengers a year, making about 40 flights a day. Domestic flights are linked to Phnom Penh and Siem Reap. As for international flights, it will link Thailand, Vietnam, China and Malaysia, as well as upgrade the provincial airport to become the country’s third international airport to support trade, investment and tourism.

3. Koh Kong

Although Koh Kong is not very popular with foreign businessmen, there are still many investment opportunities for Thai entrepreneurs. Because Koh Kong Province has a border with Trat Province of Thailand. It takes only 6 hours from Bangkok and able to travel across borders “Ban Hat Lek Border Checkpoint”, Khlong Yai District, Trat Province, and almost all people in Koh Kong Province can speak Thai.

Strengths of Koh Kong Province that the government uses for economic development is a deep seaport by sea which has an area of more than 360 square kilometers and 2 international airports that are the first to renovate the old airport and the airport in the Dara Sakor project of UDG Group from China is the second.

source: Siam Commercial Bank


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